Top 5 tips to set up lasting New Year Resolutions

Here are 5 tips to set up SMART resolutions for the New Year by Elevating Coaching.

In the Western culture, January is the month dedicated to fresh starts. You might have experienced, like me, to take tough New Year resolutions and dropping them at one point during the year. Indeed, it is hard to commit to a dramatic change or improvement when no one is holding you accountable.

A survey conducted in 2007 by Richard Wiseman from the Bristol University over a sample of 3000 people. 88% of the resolutions failed !

5 tips to help you be successful with your New Year resolutions.

1. Set a SMART resolution

SMART is an acronym which is used for goals setting. I advise you to use it for your resolution(s) as well. It stands for :

Specific – A resolution shall be one action or objective (ex : reduce stress level).

Measurable – Find an indicator (ex : quality of sleep, number of coffee/cigarettes a day).

Achievable – What are the steps (ex : focus on one task at a time, leave office earlier, work out,…)

Realistic – Is it too or not enough demanding ? (ex : work out twice a week versus every day)

Timely – How often or when do you want to commit to do what you have planned to.

2. One SMART resolution at a time

Once you have set up your resolution, do not try to multiply it. I would encourage you to focus on one resolution at a time. You can eventually think of some more that will come after three or six months.

3. Find a peer

Find someone you trust and who is having the same kind of resolution to hold each other accountable.

For instance if you decide to resume your work out, have a colleague come with you jogging at lunch time once a week.

4. Share your resolution with colleagues, friends, family

Words are powerful. The more you share about your resolution, the more you will be empowered to do it. Then, people might be asking you how it goes and encourage you along the way. You can be a role model for them too !

5. Hire a coach

A coach is a professional who will empower you to be your best self. He/she is not judgmental.  You will be supported, keep on track and reach your desired goals. Discover the benefits of coaching with Elevating Coaching

To set up a SMART New Year resolution and keep it up, contact Anne.

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