
La méthode Wisdom coach™

Un coach est assis face a un enfant et lui lit une histoire qui doit l'aider a reprendre confiance.


Je me suis formée au coaching en 2014, en Malaisie. Je n’avais pas réfléchi en amont de la formation à quelle population je souhaitais m’adresser par la suite. Lors de l’introduction au coaching, j’ai réalisé très vite que les outils enseignés s’appliquaient aux adultes. J’étais alors enceinte et le fait que la formation ne couvre pas le coaching des enfants avaient attiré mon attention. Etait-ce du fait de ma grossesse ou bien d’un désir plus profond, j’ai eu la réponse quelques années après.

Ma découverte du coaching

A mon arrivée aux Etats-Unis, au Texas, deux années plus tard, lors d’une séance de coaching, j’ai pris conscience que le coaching de professionnels ne m’empêchait pas de pratiquer le coaching des enfants. J’avais très envie d’explorer cette piste et je m’étais mise seule des barrières ! J’ai donc interrogé mon réseau et j’ai appris l’existence d’une formation pour coacher les enfants par l’organisation Adventures in Wisdom™.

J’ai été tout de suite séduite par leur méthode de coaching de développement personnel pour les enfants de 6 à 13 ans. Plusieurs fois au cours de la formation, je me suis dit : pourquoi n’ai-je pas été préparée, enfant, de cette manière aux challenges de la vie ?

Ma certification Wisdom Coach

J’ai obtenu ma certification Wisdom coach en 2018. Elle s’adresse à des parents, des professeurs ou des coachs désireux d’accompagner des enfants en développement personnel.

L’objectif principal est que chaque enfant voit son propre potentiel et créée la vie pour laquelle il/elle est fait(e).

Les enfants font face dès l’âge de 6 ans à des challenges qu’il est bon d’accompagner et soutenir. Entre 4 ans et 12 ans, ils perdent en moyenne 90% de leur estime d’eux et de leur confiance en eux. Or, le développement personnel se découvre de nos jours tard dans la vie alors qu’il peut être enseigné dès l’entrée à l’école primaire et jusqu’au collège.

En tant que parents, enseignants ou coachs, on ne peut pas donner la confiance en soi ou l’estime de soi aux enfants, mais on peut leur enseigner à les cultiver en eux.

Le programme complet de Adventures in Wisdom™ est à ce jour en anglais. Il s’articule autour d’une trentaine d’histoires avec des personnages fictifs qui illustrent différentes situations types (confiance, peurs, respect, pressions…). Cela permet aux enfants de s’identifier tout en s’amusant. Chaque lecture est suivie d’un échange verbal et d’une activité manuelle pour ancrer l’enseignement de l’histoire.

Mon projet de coach d’enfants en développement personnel

Ma philosophie, fidèle à celle de tout WISDOM coach™,  est d’aider les enfants de 6 a 13 ans que je rencontre à :

  • Choisir qui ils/elles veulent être
  • Choisir comment ils/elles veulent se sentir (fort/faible, heureux/malheureux,…)
  • Choisir ce qu’ils/elles veulent réaliser dans leur vie
  • Choisir comment ils/elles veulent réagir aux challenges auxquels ils font face

Vous avez à cœur d’accompagner votre enfant, et vous sentez qu’une aide extérieure serait utile, contacter Anne pour échanger sur les besoins de votre enfant.

New year wishes and lasting resolutions

a person who has a plan for his/her new year resolution and picture himself/herself as a winner

New year wishes

I wish each of you, who is reading this post, a new year full of happiness, serenity, success and fulfillment.

May this new year see your projects move forward in a direction you choose.

I have been disconnected from social media for a couple of months. The reason is that I relocated in a rush : I am now based in Paris. I will start to communicate more often in French. The sad news is that I am not available anymore for face to face meeting in Houston. The good news is that you can always reach me via Whatsapp, Skype or Zoom ! Let’s talk soon about your new year lasting resolutions. I am impatient to reconnect with you all.

Lasting new year resolutions

Like the past year, I like to emphasize on new year resolutions. This is a great opportunity to develop new habits or start a new project. Don’t you feel the boost this month ? Do you resonate with the title of the picture : new year new you ? It is fine : it is always the time to make a change during the year whenever you are ready.

Let me share with you mine. I hope that this will inspire you.

My first resolution is to meditate daily. I know that I need to do it 21 consecutive days in order to set it as a new habit. Why meditation ? I want to have a clear mind and get better quality sleep. What would be your new habit ? Keep it up : you can set it in 21 days like me as well !

My second resolution is to focus on Life coaching for kids aged 6 to 13. After having coached over 150 hours professionals, I realized that my real passion is to coach kids.

As you may know, I got my “WISDOM coach” certification last year. I want to help kids to choose who they want to be, what they want to achieve, how they want to feel about themselves, and how they want to respond to challenges in their lives. If you know kids who have low self-esteem or low self-confidence, let’s have a conversation and see how to support them.

Be in the look for coming articles about this topic.

This year can be a continuity for you or it can be a shift, like for myself. 

If you need an extra push, book a free 30-minute call.


Feeling betrayed after a lay off ? 4 steps to let it go and move forward

Picture showing a sad stickman after its layoff.

You have been working hard the past years. Also, you did overtime, sacrificing your week-end and evening spent with your family and friends for work. You put all your energy in completing your project in a particularly stressful environment. And in the end, you were let go. It feels unfair, you might feel angry, sad, disappointed. Betrayed is the first word that comes to mind.

Here are 4 steps to let it go and move forward.

Step 1. Recognize your efforts

Acknowledge that you have been committed, that you have been a team player, a leader,… Recognize what you have accomplished. This can be testified by people who have been working with you : ask them testimonials. Stay connected to your network, to people who have appreciated working with you.

Step 2. Refocus your priorities

A professional transition can be stressful as well and draining. You are in a state of crisis. Don’t waste it. Make the most of it by learning lessons from this terminated experience. This will help you get ready for your next move and answer the following important questions : how do you want your work/life balance be like in the future ? How do you want to commit to a company next time ? What are your priorities, your limits, your personal and professional goals ?

Step 3. Accept and let it go

Most people need between six months to a year to rebound after a lay off, whatever the reason were. It is the time to accept what is, to learn from this past experience, to recharge the battery and move forward. The sooner you accept what is, the sooner you will be able to move forward. Read on this topic the parable of the fisherman to get to know more on this topic.

Step 4. Be your own leader

Focus on what is in your control : your career path. Decide what you want for yourself as a professional. The rest will follow. I invite you to refer to my past article and follow the 4 steps to become intentional in your career. You can do it !

If you need an extra push, book a free 30-minute call.

4 steps to design your dream career path

Drawing representing a stickman dreaming of a new career.

When working in the Corporate, in the Oil&Gas industry more particularly, you tend to jump from a job to another, from a project to another. You take opportunity as they arise.

Are you drifting through your professional career?

Everything is going well until the moment there is no new mission for you within the organization. Here you are in transition…

Transition. This word might scare you, particularly if you have never experienced it before. Well, it is actually an opportunity to step back and think of what you really want as a professional.

Do you want to rely on circumstances and hierarchy to make the next move ? Are you willing to climb the Corporate ladder with no other intention that climbing the higher you can ? if the answer is no, here are some advices.

Let’s design your dream career path.

Step 1. Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve as a professional

Visualize yourself at the end of your career. What does it look like ? How does it feel ? Are you the expert in your field ? Are you the CEO ? Do not limit yourself at this point by looking at what is feasible. Say what you want to achieve out loud, write it down and check our 6 tips to finally move towards your goal. Set your mind for success, like an athlete visualize yourself winning the race.

Step 2.  Define actionable steps to reach your goal

What needs to happen for you to reach your professional goal(s) ? Which new skill do you need to learn ? What experiences are required ? Who do you need to connect with ? Find out what positions will serve your goal along your career path. Each position will be a step. You might look for a mentor to guide you, inspire you moving forward in the direction you choose. You also need to know who your supports are, in the workplace and among your relationships. They will hold you accountable for your progress and encourage you.

Step 3. Enjoy a meaningful job, work with purpose

Isn’t it exciting to wake each morning, going to work knowing that you will grow towards your desired goal ? Each day will get you closer to what you really want as a professional. There will be ups and downs along the way. Keeping in mind your vision will help you go through the challenges.

Step 4. Sense of accomplishment

If you let the current decide of your destination, you might be satisfied with the outcome or not. Whereas if you are intentional, you know that you have hit targets after targets. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate after each step you took. Share your successes with your supports.

If you need further guidance to design your dream career path, get in touch with Anne.

Top 5 tips to set up lasting New Year Resolutions

Here are 5 tips to set up SMART resolutions for the New Year by Elevating Coaching.

In the Western culture, January is the month dedicated to fresh starts. You might have experienced, like me, to take tough New Year resolutions and dropping them at one point during the year. Indeed, it is hard to commit to a dramatic change or improvement when no one is holding you accountable.

A survey conducted in 2007 by Richard Wiseman from the Bristol University over a sample of 3000 people. 88% of the resolutions failed !

5 tips to help you be successful with your New Year resolutions.

1. Set a SMART resolution

SMART is an acronym which is used for goals setting. I advise you to use it for your resolution(s) as well. It stands for :

Specific – A resolution shall be one action or objective (ex : reduce stress level).

Measurable – Find an indicator (ex : quality of sleep, number of coffee/cigarettes a day).

Achievable – What are the steps (ex : focus on one task at a time, leave office earlier, work out,…)

Realistic – Is it too or not enough demanding ? (ex : work out twice a week versus every day)

Timely – How often or when do you want to commit to do what you have planned to.

2. One SMART resolution at a time

Once you have set up your resolution, do not try to multiply it. I would encourage you to focus on one resolution at a time. You can eventually think of some more that will come after three or six months.

3. Find a peer

Find someone you trust and who is having the same kind of resolution to hold each other accountable.

For instance if you decide to resume your work out, have a colleague come with you jogging at lunch time once a week.

4. Share your resolution with colleagues, friends, family

Words are powerful. The more you share about your resolution, the more you will be empowered to do it. Then, people might be asking you how it goes and encourage you along the way. You can be a role model for them too !

5. Hire a coach

A coach is a professional who will empower you to be your best self. He/she is not judgmental.  You will be supported, keep on track and reach your desired goals. Discover the benefits of coaching with Elevating Coaching

To set up a SMART New Year resolution and keep it up, contact Anne.

3 steps to respect your basic needs and thrive professionally

Picture representing a pyramid of Maslow adapted to executive coaching.

You might have compromised with one of your basic need in order to stay in a company, in a job or accept a promotion. Basic needs can be sorted with the help of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The idea is that is it hard to be at your best when you are hungry or feel unsafe for instance.

It is necessary to be outside of one’s comfort zone to learn and progress. However, if your basic needs are not met, you will pay the price in the long run.

Here are 3 steps to respect yours basic needs and thrive professionally.

1. Define your basic needs

You can relate to the fourth energy by Carl Jung, which are the basis for various personality assessment to figure out what your basic needs are. Here are some ideas below :

Introversion/extroversion:  You recharge your battery by being alone or surrounded with others

Decision making: You like to make decision by yourself, on the spot or you need more time to process data and get advice before making decisions.

Initiate / run an existing system: You particularly enjoy using your creativity or on the contrary you like a routine in your job.

2. Know your limits

Here are a few questions to ask yourself. Knowing what basic need(s) is(are) not met, how long can you stand such a situation ? You need to know your limit. Say no when you are overloaded, look for another position or on the contrary refuse a promotion that is not fulfilling. If not, you might encounter burn-out or bore-out. What do you win/loose in each situation ?

3. First easy step to respect yourself more from now on

The first thing is to verbalize your needs to the right person in your organization. Your manager shall be aware of your basics needs and be willing to leverage your skills and capabilities.  If not, that might be worth having a conversation sometime soon!

The second thing is to change one small thing in your daily routine to feed one of your need. After a while, you can change a second thing and so on.

You deserve to be taken care of, and by yourself in the first place. I can help you uncover your basic needs and take care of them. Let’s get in touch.

6 steps to move towards your goals

In a previous article, I shared the parable of the fisherman. He freed himself by accepting his situation. That is easier to say than to do, right ?

Here are 6 steps to help you move forward.

1/ Acceptance : recognize that you are stuck

You might be stuck professionally, feeling that you have reached a plateau. Or you might be stuck emotionally after suffering a loss. It has nothing to do with your person, with your capabilities. Anyone can be stuck at one point: recognize it when this happens. You have the resources to move forward. It is just a matter of perspective, as I already demonstrated in this post: Professional transition, victim or victor ?

2/ Reflection : lesson learnt from past experiences

Have you been stuck in the past ? If the answer is yes, do you recall how you managed to move forward ? You can relate to it and see a way forward for this time. If not, you might have heard, read or watched a story of someone stuck and shared how he/she got unstuck. That’s what I call a coaching story! It will inspire you and help you rebound.

3/ Visualization : see a bright future

Similarly to an athlete who visualizes him/herself winning a race by anticipation, see yourself as the winner of your game of life. What would it be like to free yourself from this situation ? How do you portrait yourself once you have decided to move forward new goals ?

4/ Action : first easy step

What would be a first and easy step for you to get closer to where you want to be ? Start small, start simple. There is something you can start doing, or do differently or, on the contrary, stop doing something that does not serve you right now. Focus on what is within your control rather than circumstances.

5/ Verbalize : speak up

Maybe you did not have the opportunity or the idea to share what’s going on for you with somebody. Verbalize the challenge that you are facing will help you gain clarity and put things into perspective. Open up to someone can also be your first step in this process to get unstuck.

6/ Support : who are they ?

Identify who your supports are. There might be people who noticed before yourself that you were stuck and offered help. Be supported, encouraged in this process. Take care of yourself as much as you care for others. There are times where you help others carry their heavy backpack. This time, that might be a good idea to allow others carry yours for a change.

If you want to get unstuck now, have a coach to walk you through this process, contact Anne Rotschi.

Is it time for a change of career in the energy market ?

Drawing showing a stickman reflecting on a career change.

Many of my clients have been working in the Corporate world, in the Energy industry in particular for many years like myself. This sector is fascinating : employees are often passionate, dedicated and well paid. However, the past years have been challenging. More competition has led to downsizing, merging, also increasing work load and stress for individuals, like it is the norm in other sectors… It is hard to decide if you still want to be part of this game : how tenacious are you ? Are you wondering who is next to be let go ?

Here are the top 3 questions to ask yourself before considering a career transition.

1. What makes you unique ?

You have a unique experience as a person and a professional. Recognize it. What makes you different from the competition ? Are your skills and strengths transferable of other types of jobs, to other industries ? Be open. It can free your mind from anxiety and increase your confidence level in the future. There will always be opportunities for you, in your industry or elsewhere. Even if you are laid off, you know what you bring to the table and you will rebound! Check out our 8 tips on how to rebound after a layoff to get insights on this matter

2. Where is your own energy level ?

I like to make the parallel between the Energy industry where most of clients are coming from and their own energy level. Where are you spending your own energy professionally ? How energized are you on a Monday morning, starting another week at work ?

For instance, a little bit of stress will boost me to achieve a goal, finish a project. After a certain level, this is getting overwhelming and I am not at my best. And I cannot afford not to be at my best when my mission is to empower professionals to be at their best.

Know when a situation is boosting your energy level or, on the contrary, draining it. Know your limits and act accordingly. See our three advices to professionals confronted to a high intensity working place.

3. What do you gain/loose in remaining in your current job or industry ?

Writing down in a 2 x 2 table the pros and cons of staying where you are versus initiating a transition to another role or organization will help you gain clarity. There is no rush : take the time to think and to reflect before taking the decision. You deserve to be the professional you want to be, at a pace that you decide.

To explore your career path options, get in touch with Anne.

Showing more humanity in the workplace – 3 lessons learnt after Harvey

Picture representing a business building under water.

The time has stopped in Houston area. It was still the summer slowdown here, kids were about to go back to school when suddenly Hurricane Harvey hit the area.

After a devastating week-end, employers contacted their employees first think in the morning to know if they were safe and in a dry place. They organized help between colleagues and matched helpers with people in need. This crisis reminds us that we are human beings, before being professionals.

How does that feel when your employer check on you ? Maybe that is the very first time that you experience this. There is no reason why this shall not be the norm. When we know that people care for us, that we are supported, then we feel secured and we are more productive, focus and enthusiastic.

Here are the three lessons I learnt from Harvey crisis in the great Houston area. They all apply to the workplace.

1. Help : ask for help, offer help

When was the last time that your manager asked you “ How are you doing ?”, expecting you to elaborate ? Some managers know their team members well and know what personal or professional challenges you are going through. They will help those who need more attention.

If they don’t, then let them know and ask for some help. Women generally do it more naturally than men. They usually do not feel offended when someone is offering them help spontaneously even if they did not request for it. Do you ?

2. Caring

We live in a relationship economy. It is not only what you know which matters, it is who you know. Building your network is crucial, in person or in the social media. So you want to build it with integrity.

If you care for a professional or a customer, and find a way to support that person, then he/she will be more willing to help you in return. Let your counterparts know how much you really care for them. Caring will naturally bring a strong network. That network will provide you with all the help that you need for yourself or for a peer (refer to point 1.).

3. Do not take anyone for granted

When some of my clients were laid off, they received positive messages from their ex-colleagues and recommendations on LinkedIn. Why cannot they get positive feedback along the way ?

It is unproductive and sad to tell people that they were great once they leave. And we never know when someone will be laid off or will initiate a transition.
Let’s remind each other in the work place how much we appreciate to work with each other, how much we learn and grow together, now !

If you are unsure how to show more humanity in the workplace and be more efficient, get in touch with me.